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Strolling the streets of Prague again, I bumped into two rough looking guys going for a beer. The taller one looked okay so I tried to get in their pants. It was obvious they needed money and I got their interest telling them stories about my successful business. Unfortunately, my fast advances scared them away. As I walked next to them I saw my true prey of the day. I immediately forgot about those two clowns. The boy’s name was Michal and he was sweet. I sensed a hidden gay side peeking out but I wasn’t sure. He tried to look like a tough guy but I knew he was a nice and good boy with a big heart. I was about to find out that he also had a very big penis. When we got to the hotel I could tell he was scared – he was trembling with fear when he grabbed my cock…

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Anonymous gave this item a rating of 10.00

Fri April 22, 2016 12:25pm
Anonymous gave this item a rating of 10.00

Fri April 22, 2016 12:25pm
Anonymous gave this item a rating of 10.00

Tue April 19, 2016 11:12pm
Anonymous gave this item a rating of 10.00

Tue April 19, 2016 2:09pm
Anonymous gave this item a rating of 10.00

Tue April 19, 2016 12:06pm
Just for fun
