polemius commented: Hey Mark425. My ID evaporated during my absence, but I've been signed in since I've been back. I agree, Jesse is absolutely awesome. Truthfully, though, it took a few viewings for his charms to come through. Once again, the guy who always mentions the enlarger helped me to see the detail of Jesse's beauty. Whoever the enlarger guy is, he's a great help here on BR. Hope you don't get too much of the rain we're having in NYC right now.
Sat June 2, 2012 1:01am
Anonymous commented: Mark 425 here, polemius. Well said! And Welcome Back! I wish the administrators could ban all Anonymous ratings and comments, especially from that annoying person who loves to give 1.00s to virtually everyone. But before that can happen, they have to straighten out the "staying logged-in" problem. BTW, I think Jesse is nearly perfect. I especially love his Treasure Trail! And, of course, his awesome bush.
Fri June 1, 2012 11:24pm
polemius commented: Beautiful profile of this cute boy who's taken too much abuse by some of BR's membership. Nice ass, too.