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Dashing Alexis has the suave look you see on waiters and valets at chic restaurants, or on certain strippers found in the more upscale clubs. As it turns out, he’s a personal trainer by day and, yes, a stripper by night! Although Alexis is from Argentina, I discovered him on a sightseeing trip to Peru. Alex was omnipresent in all the dance clubs in Lima—if not stripping, then dancing, socializing, and otherwise hobnobbing in the dark, his exotic features dimly lit by the glow of a candle or flashing dance floor lights. He is dazzling in an almost movie-star way, and very well aware of this fact! But who can blame him for that? The mirror doesn’t lie, and neither do the eyes of girls (and guys) in the clubs, or the eyes of men at the gym where works. Alexis has every right to feel good.