yummy cummy commented: to the anon person who left a comment at 8am saturday morning ,,you are the biggest fucking wanker on this site who are you to critize uncut guys i am british and i am uncut and i am bloddy proud of it as well ..cut or uncut we all keep our penis nice and clean ,so shut the fuck up and get a life ,,,to anonwho left a comment at 9.03am i agree with your comments..
Sat August 6, 2011 9:18pm
Anonymous commented: On these BR posts, we're entitled to our own opinions. But is there a need for such harsh and ridiculous wording and words? Your experiences are not the usual, I can assure you. Your opinions are your own and I believe strongly they are wrong. I'm uncut and have always cleaned my cock and foreskin. And all the guys I've been with who are uncut were always clean too. You are so wrong.
Sat August 6, 2011 1:03pm
Anonymous commented: Why do uncut guys always think cut guys dream of having a foreskin? Makes me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know any cut guy who wants foreskin. When i grew up those with foreskin were considered freaks. Why would we want an ugly bit of germ catching skin you can't clean no matter how many times you wash it?
Sat August 6, 2011 12:00pm
Anonymous gave this item a rating of 1.00
Sat August 6, 2011 11:59am
Anonymous commented: Don't know any cut guys who would prefer that!