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Emil is the typical smalltown boy. He hangs around with his skater friends, because there is not much else to do. They dream up plans that sound very good, but will never happen. Whenever somebody talks about the city he is always interested. He kinda thinks everything interesting only happens in the city. So when Walther, who is working in the city, came home for a visit he liked the stories he told, especially the ones about his photo shooting.
Sexually there wasn't much, yet. Some fooling around with his skater friends, mostly after they all drank too much. Nothing real serious. So he is still in "discovery mode" and therefore interested in everything sexual. So he emailed us to give it a try. After we've seen his sample pictures we didn't hesitate and invited him immediately.
It took him a while to loose his insecurities. Then it all went pretty well, he kinda likes to show himself off and the result speaks for itself. He is interested to do another set, but we will only invite him again if you guys like him a lot. Do you? Please leave your comments.