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There’s absolutely no denying that Ben Rasgar is a gym-trainer like no other – a fellow who quite literally oozes arrogance in the opening few moments of this superb escapade almost as much as he oozes sweat! From spraying a mouthful of water across the training-room, to cockily kissing young Victor Rozas’s six-pack mid-session, this is a guy who clearly has a dominant streak and who isn’t afraid to show it. Then again, of course, if you’d got the kind of cock between your legs that this fellow has got then you’d probably be pretty self-assured yourself! To begin with, however, it’s the handsome Spaniard who takes centre-stage in proceedings; with Rasgar quite literally carrying Rozas over to a sofa, where he immediately begins to feast on that handsome Iberian ramrod. There’s simply no denying the fact that the temperature notches up considerably once Rasgar’s oversized mamba makes its appearance; leaving Rozas momentarily dazed in appreciation, before the young lad masterfully attempts to gorge on every fucking inch on offer. But whilst you might be overcome with jealousy at the sight of the young twink slobbering over such a mammoth offering, chances are you’ll be thanking your lucky stars you’re not him when you see his arse having to take the full length of the said schlong – not least of all when the lad’s riding it cowboy-style. The fact that he’s clearly gritting his teeth says it all, of course; and the thin division of pain and pleasure is neatly encapsulated by his violent eruption. Topped off by Rozas pumping his own jizz into Rasgar’s mouth!