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Rating: 5.50
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Rating: 7.25
JP BuenosBoys_Diego-preview.mp4
Rating: 6.80
JP BuenosBoys_Alexis-preview.mp4
Rating: 7.00
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Rating: 7.75
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Diego at BuenosBoys


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Being alone with Diego, the hours fly like minutes (he has that effect on a clock!), and before I knew it, he had shot his load and was putting his clothes on to leave. I made him promise to come back again and show us more, and he said yes in his polite little voice. In the meantime, at least I get to see him back at the gym, flexing his muscles and helping people flex theirs, as I'm sure you will when you watch his scene! Occasionally, I catch his eye during a workout, and when no one's looking, we exchange a knowing wink!

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Anonymous gave this item a rating of 10.00

Thu April 16, 2015 12:12pm
Anonymous gave this item a rating of 10.00

Tue November 26, 2013 7:53pm
Anonymous gave this item a rating of 8.00

Thu May 23, 2013 4:33am
Anonymous gave this item a rating of 1.00

Tue March 26, 2013 5:48am
Anonymous gave this item a rating of 5.00

Tue March 26, 2013 5:31am

Just for fun